

By Kentlands Psychotherapy April 7, 2021

Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder, or ADHD, is a common mental condition that generally begins in childhood. It is characterized by difficulty concentrating, impulsiveness, and hyperactivity. Having ADHD makes school very difficult for children because they cannot focus on the lesson and often get in trouble for their disruptive behavior. This often affects their mood; there is a high rate of co-

morbidity with depression and anxiety. While ADHD is frustrating and challenging for both the child and the parent, with the right help, the child can be successful in life.

When your child is diagnosed with ADHD, you must face the challenge of figuring out the correct treatment options. You may feel overwhelmed, but there is hope. While ADHD can never be cured, it can be manageable. What is most important is to find a treatment plan that works for your child, and stick to it. To effectively treat your child with ADHD, it is important to get a whole team behind them, from teachers to doctors to child psychologists. By using all the resources at your disposal, your child can and will succeed.

To help cope with ADHD, there are several treatment options available, including medication, therapy, behavioral training, or a combination of the three.



A child psychologist may prove helpful for your child. Therapy for ADHD generally focuses on behavior by teaching the child the skills necessary to succeed, such as organization and following through on homework assignments. The therapist may also help the child with the emotional problems that generally come with ADHD. Therapists can help the child develop better social skills and navigate their significant relationships as well.

Behavioral Intervention

With behavioral intervention, the parent intervenes to help the child develop behaviors to help them succeed. Here, following a specific schedule, teaching them organizational skills, and praising good behaviors goes a long way. Children with ADHD need clarity and consistency, so it is important to have good communication with your child.  


ADHD medications can help a child/adolescent/ or adult to concentration and complete tasks demands of their environment. While medication can be effective in some cases, certain side effects, such as trouble sleeping and decreased appetite, can occur making careful and conservative consideration of their risk benefits for your child with a psychiatrist essential.

You don’t have to struggle alone with your child’s ADHD; you can get the support you need at Kentlands Psychotherapy in Gaithersburg. Contact us today to schedule an appointment with one of our child psychologists.